Edwards, Gene

Living Close to God . . . When You're Not Good at It

( 4 Reviews )

A practical, fascinating book on the "how" of a Christian's spiritual life--a spiritual life for Christians who are not good at being spiritual! The author Gene Edwards places himself in the class of "the spiritually handicapped." You will appreciate Edwards' honesty. Finally, a book that works for spiritual failures--in other words, a book for most of us! It is not a book about prayer, but a living account of having fellowship with Jesus Christ.

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4 Reviews

Jul 14th 2014


Excellent - I have learned so much reading this book. Very easy to understand and follow.

Sharon Moon Jun 10th 2014


This is one of those books where if a person got to read only one book in their lives...........this should be the one. I see this one as foundational to relationship with God. Too many start building without the basic truth.

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