Brother Lawrence

Practicing His Presence

( 2 Reviews )

If you wish to know your Lord in a deeper way, you are invited to join the vast host of Christians who, over three centuries, have turned to this book more than any other - except the Scriptures - in order to begin that journey to the depths of Christ.

Imagine a book that is 300 years old and has never been out of print! Such is the book you see on your screen. Other than Pilgrim's Progress, there is probably no other piece of Christian literature that has stood the test of the centuries so well. An estimated 22 million copies of the original The Practice of the Presence of God have been printed in the English language alone. In recent years, however, interest in this book has waned as the original English edition became so outdated that it was virtually unreadable. The publishers have now revised and reissued this book under the title Practicing His Presence and the profundity, depth, and beauty of Brother Lawrence's masterpiece lives again!

We have also included in this edition, not only the letters of Brother Lawrence - from the 17th century - but also those of Frank Laubach - from the 20th century - who, like Brother Lawrence before him, wrote a series of letters chronicling his experiences in practicing the presence of Jesus Christ.

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2 Reviews

Sep 27th 2012

One of the best books I have ever read.

This book was life changing for me, learning to practice His presence. Failure, lack of confidence and condemnation had held me back from entering His presence, but no more. Now, we can even fellowhip at the grocery store.

Aug 11th 2012

As I practice his presence I am daily changed by the POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT

Since first purchasing Practicing His Presence The depth of Love I have gained for our Lord Jesus Christ has manifested a thousand fold and continues to grow every day. My prayer is that, my outreach will, continue as I become more bold towards the lost and the fence riding Church who processes their ministry but denies the power that is there if they will believe with their whole hearts and minds.

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