Saunders, John

Tiger Is Dead

( 1 Review )

The Tiger Is Dead has blessed hundreds of people. It is the favorite of most people who have read John Saunders' books. This is one of the nine Modern Parables. (See the set of nine books.)  The Tiger Is Dead is an allegory with a surprise at the end. In addition to this story, there are messages by John Saunders, entitled "Prelude to Philippians," "When He Shall Come," "The Kingdom of This World," and "The Order of Melchizedek."

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1 Review

John Larson Feb 2nd 2019

The Tiger is Dead is a truly mindblowing and Spirit of The Lord book!

All I can say is Wow! Revelation and Mystery book way before its time but will always be relevant because it is a mystery revealed from Jesus directly! All Praise, glory, honor, and reverence goes to the Godhead for this man who wrote the book!

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