Edwards, Gene

Acts in First Person

( 2 Reviews )

            You have read the book of Acts before, but you have never read the story as told by the men who lived it. In the first eleven chapters Peter tells the story of Acts. Then beginning in chapter thirteen Barnabas tells his part of the story . . . then Silas. Then Timothy.

            It is as though each man left a diary for you to read. You now have a record of the eye witness account of the first-century events.

            Acts in First Person is the perfect companion to The Story of My Life . . . as Told by Jesus Christ.

            The five historical books of the New Testament are all now in first person. You might say that you can now read The Diary of Jesus, and The Diaries of the Apostles. . . in first person . . .eye witness accounts of those men who lived the New Testament story!

            The Story of the church in first person . . . and you will find exactly where in Acts to read the letters of Paul.

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2 Reviews

Wayne May 14th 2013

Interesting First-Person Approach Enlivens Reading of Acts

Gene Edwards creativity is surely at work in ACTS IN THE FIRST PERSON. His approach enlivens one's reading of a very familiar text. Like the First-Century Diary series does so well, it makes the content more personal and draws the reader in. Am curious, however, why verses 47, 48 of Chapter 10 were omitted -- about the baptism of Cornelius. This seems a significant omission. BTW, it was the only one I noticed in the whole rendering.

Paul Frederick, Flatwoods, KY Jan 16th 2012

Refreshing Retelling of the Book of Acts

This is a most refreshing retelling of the book of Acts I have ever read as a twenty two year old Christian. When I was a lad of 21 and was just converted, I read the book of Acts with the church and found it most refreshing. Fifteen years ago, I did a study of reading Acts and Judges back and forth which fired up our bible discussion group. But this is so fresh, alive, valid, and timely. With the dates, along with the first person telling of the story, along with notes of when and where the Pauline books were written, it is a refreshing telling of the book of Acts. For this size and price, it is perfect for small group study material, or whole church readings. My highest recommendation.

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